Samsung China official website just updated their page with SNSD as new model for their products (only for Yoona, Yuri, Tiffany, and Taeyeon). Wah, so SNSD will advertise samsung mobile? I don't know since there is no official statement. But it seems... it is ^^ They also rumored as Samsung's models for Asia (except domestic mobile), as what they're currently doing for LG's mobile. Beside that, they also rumored with Black Eyed Peas will be models for Samsung 3D TV campaign, in America and Europe. wah, they got it all. I hope it will be truth, imagining how they will be... they must be very pretty.
and also, rumored that SNSD will be in CF for fast-food lacks. wah, most person that was just popping out in my brain is Seohyun, this hamburger hater... ^^ well then, looking forward it. Here is some captures from samsung china website.
source : Samsung China
credits : choi_shik_shin@soshified
Mockingbird (produced By Eminem) - Eminem Mp3
Blog Archive
Jun 10
- Animated Images
- Music Bank Performers List
- World Cup hits rookie group Sistar
- July for SHINee's comeback?
- SNSD will debut in Japan this September
- Sistar as Samsung's Yepp models
- 2PM - I Will Give You My Life MV
- CN BLUE is being #1 on M! Countdown
- JYJ Thanksgiving Live at Kyocera Dome 100605-6
- SNSD at Samsung China Official Website
Jun 10