i miss blogging and i miss visiting all my blogger friends one by one
but i can't do that lovable activities, ohh~ i am so busy with my school stuff
really ! there are so many exams and test, i've to prepare myself. So i am so sorry *especially for my followers and visitors
and today is February 6th, what is it mean?
it is u-Know's birthday ! Saengil Chuka Hamnida !

so you are 24 now, that's great ! keep leading all boys, leader ^^
hey, i made these stuff for 15 minutes yesterday, how are they looked?

hey, i made these stuff for 15 minutes yesterday, how are they looked?

i hope all the best for you and for TVXQ, i hope that i'll be able to see TVXQ's dance machine singing so handsomely again with his charming smile in huge-great-cool concert
i really hope the best for you, and TVXQ's future. Once more saengil chuka, leader u-Know !
GOD bless you